My Virtual Gardens
(Not A) Monarch Butterfly
Welcome to the part of my *virtual* Butterfly Garden featuring every Butterfly that I’ve captured in photo resembling the Monarch Butterfly but is in fact NOT A Monarch. They are all captured from the dorsal, or top, side and all are predominantly orange in color. This is NOT a complete catalog of every species in Louisiana, yet! Feel free to click on each picture to reveal more information as well as like, share, and subscribe to my website on my homepage for my bug-inspired content!
A Year of Bugs 2024
Last year was eventful. I found and photographed MANY new species that it will take me forever to add to other galleries on here. In the meantime, enjoy this month-to-month montage of some of the best insects I found!
Moth Mayhem
Moths get a lot of side-eyes, but they’re really fuzzy, gentle critters.
Welcome to the part of my *virtual* Butterfly Garden featuring a glimpse into the moth species I’ve captured in photo. This is NOT a complete catalog of every moth species in Louisiana, yet! Feel free to click on each picture to reveal more information as well as like, share, and subscribe to my website on my homepage for my bug-inspired content!
The Stinging Things
Though they can sting, they’re really gentle giants!
Welcome to the part of my *virtual* Butterfly Garden featuring every Hymenopteran (bees, wasps, ants) bugger I’ve captured in photo. Feel free to click on each picture to reveal more information as well as like, share, and subscribe to my website on my homepage for my bug-inspired content!
The Swaggy Swallowtails
Swallowtail Butterflies can symbolize joy, freedom, and transformation (Spiritual Desk).
Welcome to the part of my *virtual* Butterfly Garden featuring every Swallowtail Butterfly I’ve captured in photo. This is NOT a complete catalog of every Swallowtail species in Louisiana, yet! Feel free to click on each picture to reveal more information as well as like, share, and subscribe to my website on my homepage for my bug-inspired content!
Wait a minute, Mister POSTMAN!
A limited-time butterfly representing the very diverse group of “long-wings”. Read about the long-living Red Postman Butterfly and its host plant and more.
Butterflies remind us of God's love; remember to receive and give love today! Feel free to click on the picture to reveal more information as well as like, share, and subscribe to my website on my homepage for my bug-inspired content!